Mom Beauty Tips

Home Pregnancy Tests Container you Trust the Results?

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Home Maintenance

Taking a home pregnancy tests can be stressful, especially if you’re not sure you can trust the results. Learn when and how to take a home pregnancy test and some of the potential dangers of home tests.

When Should I Income a Home Pregnancy Tests?

Numerous home pregnancy tests claim to be precise from the first day of your missed period or even earlier. However, you’ll likely get more accurate results if you delay until after the first day of your wasted period.

And why wait? Shortly after, an inseminated egg attaches to your uterine lining (implantation). Also, the placenta forms and produces the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This hormone enters the bloodstream and urine.

In early pregnancy, the concentration of HCG rises rapidly, doubling every two to three days. The more you take your home pregnancy test, the more difficult it is for you to detect HCG.

Remember that the time of your ovulation may vary monthly, and the fertilized egg may implant in your uterus at different times. It can affect when HCG is produced and when it can be detected. If your period is irregular, you whitethorn be miscalculating when your period is due.

Suppose it is essential to confirm your pregnancy immediately and to depend on your pregnancy’s progress. In that case, your health care provider may recommend that you have an ultrasound, repeat a urine test at a laboratory, or have a blood test to amount your HCG. Levels.

Are there Diverse Types of Home Pregnancy Tests?

Place the end of a test strip in your urine stream or dip the test strip into a container of collected urine for the most significant tests. A few minutes later, the indicator reveals the test result, often as a plus or minus sign, one or two lines, or the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant” on a strip or shade.

Follow the test orders for how long to wait before examination of the results, usually two minutes or more. Most tests also take a control indicator: a line or symbol that appears in the results window. The test is not working correctly if the cable or logo does not occur. Try again with another test.

Some home pregnancy tests are additional sensitive than others. In other words, the amount of HCG that needs to be detected in the urine to produce a positive test result is lower for some tests.

Always check the test expiration date and read the instructions carefully before testing.

How Accurate are Home Pregnancy Tests?

Many home pregnancy tests right to be 99% accurate. However, home pregnancy tests differ in their ability to diagnose pregnancy in women who have recently missed their period. If you get a terrible result but think you might be pregnant, repeat the test a week after your missed period or talk to your healthcare provider.

Can Medications Interfere with Test Results?

Fertility drugs or other HCG medications can interfere with the results of home pregnancy tests. However, most medications, including antibiotics and birth switch pills, do not affect the accuracy of home pregnancy tests.

Can a Positive Result be False?

Although rare, it’s possible to test positive on a home pregnancy test when you’re not pregnant, and it is called a false positive.

A false positive can occur if you had a miscarriage soon after the fertilized egg attached to your uterine lining (biochemical pregnancy) or if you take a pregnancy test too soon after taking anti-fertility drugs containing HCG. An ectopic pregnancy, menopause, or problems with the ovaries can also contribute to misleading test results.

Can a Negative Result be Wrong?

It’s possible to get a negative result on a home pregnancy test when you’re pregnant. It is called a false negative. You can get a false negative if:

Test too early. The sooner a home pregnancy test is done after a missed period, the more difficult it is for the test to detect HCG. Repeat the test one week after a lost period for more accurate results. If you can’t wait on.