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Soap2day Euphoria

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Euphoria is the experience (or effect) of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. Certain natural rewards and social activities. Such as aerobic exercise, laughing, listening to or making music, and dancing. Also it can induce a state of Euphoria. And also a symptom of certain neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders, such as mania. Romantic love and components of the human sexual response cycle are also associated with the induction of Euphoria. Certain drugs, many of which are addictive, can induce it. Which motivates, at least partially, their recreational use.

Hedonic hot spots, the brain’s pleasure centres, are functionally linked. Activation of one hotspot leads to recruitment of the others, and inhibiting one access point leads to attenuation of the effects of activating another access point. Therefore, the simultaneous activation of each hedonic point of the reward system. Also, it is considered necessary to generate the sensation of intense it.

History of the term

The word “euphoria” is derive from the ancient Greek terms meaning “good” and meaning “carry”, and it is semantically opposed to dysphoria.

An English dictionary of 1706 defines it. As “the good performance of the operation of a drug, that is when the patient is relieve from it.”

In the 1860s, the English physician Thomas Laycock described as the feeling of bodily well-being and hope; he noted its misplaced presentation in the final stages of certain terminal illnesses and attributed such euphoria to neurological dysfunction. German neuropsychiatrist Carl Wernicke gave a lecture on “abnormal euphoria” in patients with mania.

A 1903 article in the Boston Daily Globe refers to euphoria as a “pleasant emotion” and “the feeling of ease and well-being.” In 1920, Popular Science magazine described it as “a high-sounding name” meaning “to feel fit”—usually making life worth living, motivating drug use, and malformations in some mental illnesses. Life describes as an organic state that is the opposite of fatigue and “means almost the same as feeling good.

In 1940, The Journal of Psychology defined euphoria as a “state of general well-being…and a pleasantly invigorating sensation.” and objective signs typical of morphine. However, in 1957, the British pharmacologist D. A. Cahal did not consider opioid euphoria medically undesirable but rather an effect that “increased the value of an important analgesic.” well-being” with pathological associations when used in a psychiatric context. It has remain describe as a sign of brain disease as bland and out of context, representing an inability to feel negative emotions.

In the 21st century, It is generally define as a state of great happiness, well-being, and excitement, which can normal or abnormal and inappropriate when associated with psychoactive drugs, manic states, illness, or brain injury.

The Types

Different stimuli induce it, including psychoactive drugs, natural rewards, and social activities. Affective disorders such as unipolar mania or bipolar disorder may have joy as a symptom.