Mom Beauty Tips

Seven Months of Pregnancy: Symptoms and Fetal Development

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Pregnancy Tips

Now that she is seven months of pregnancy, her little one is increasing and beginning to look more and more like the Baby she will soon meet. For example, she fills out, and her skin becomes less transparent. Your belly is also rising, and you may face physical challenges. Try to keep in attention that every day that she brings you back, pain or fatigue also gets you one day closer to meeting your Baby.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms at Seven Months Pregnant

You are entering the third trimester: the home stretch! Around this time, it is common to feel the effects of your growing belly and the progress of your pregnancy. Symptoms at seven months of pregnancy may include:

Sciatica. As your uterus grows, it can put weight on your sciatic nerve, which can reason hip or lower back pain. If the pain jumps in your lower back or hip and spreads down one leg, it may be sciatica, but only your healthcare provider can make a diagnosis. A hot or cold bandage can help relieve pain, and your provider may recommend stretching. If at any time you notice impassiveness in your legs or feet, tell your provider right away. Sciatica will likely go away after your Baby is born.

Pelvic Pain. Pregnancy hormones do strange and unforeseen things to your body. For example, they help untie the joints that attach the two sides of the pelvis in preparation for labour and delivery. It can cause pelvic pain. If this hits you, try not to move as much as possible. Your health care provider may also give you stretches that may help ease your discomfort.

Constipation. Higher levels of the hormones progesterone and iron (if found in prenatal vitamins) can slow digestion and leave you feeling stuck. Stay hydrated to help relieve constipation (water and prune juice are great) and ensure you get enough fibre in your diet. Suitable bases of fibre include beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Braxton Hicks Contraction. Sometimes called training contractions, Braxton Hicks contractions can begin in the second or third trimester. They sometimes feel slightly tight in your abdomen and usually go away when you move or change position. They are more likely to occur later in the day and after physical activity such as exercise or sex. Learn about Braxton Hicks’s contractions and talk to your health care provider if you’re unsure if you have training or actual contractions.

Some moms-to-be experience an improvement in energy during the second trimester, but you may feel a little more tired as the third trimester begins. One of the motives for this is that at seven months pregnant, your belly has grown a lot. And getting a good night’s sleep can be more challenging. Try to rest when you can, even if it means taking time off during the day, and sleep on your side with a pillow to support your growing belly. Upholding a healthy diet and moderate exercise routine can also help you sleep better and keep your energy levels.

You are Bleeding or Spotting. Light bleeding or spotting may occur at this time. Although it’s nothing serious, see your health care provider just in case. Bleeding can sometimes signal a problem, so seeing your provider can give you peace of mind.

How is your Baby Developing this Month?

When you are seven months of pregnancy, your Baby is busy developing the organs and systems to help her survive outside the womb. For example, her lungs begin to produce a substance called surfactant, which allows them to expand and contract properly.

Another significant novelty: your little one can now open and close his eyes! You’re probably looking forward to seeing these little peepers; it won’t be long! Meanwhile, your Baby can sense changes in light and dark and may react to bright sunshine by moving or kicking.